Nice to meet you!
Hi there and welcome to my site!
I am the current lululemon run ambassador of the Netherlands and currently training for my first 24h lap race.
But of course, I did not start here!
.. I started running in 2000 and it has taught me a lot. Often I have learned and understood things about myself through running.
I started by running 10 years just for fun. No running watch, no pacing, started in my granny's old tennis shoes. Quickly bought myself a pair of more decent trainers...
I identify a lot with running and being a long-distance runner. I realized this painfully when I had a burn out that forced me to first stop running and then to re-introduce it carefully back into my life.
I am really curious about exploring and learning about the mind- body connection and topics like trust, change, etc. And I love using movement to explore and discover what it means to me.
I am trying here and on socials to share about my journey and hope to inspire you to head out for adventures yourself.
Happy running!